Navigation:  Emergency Alert System > Push Server > Configuration >


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This page contains the general server settings for the Push Server, as shown in the figure below.




Settings include:





Server IP

The IP address used to push alerts to the phones.


Only change this setting if the system has more than one NIC and you wish to use one over the other.


Port number

Do not change this value unless there is a conflict on the system.


Push on Ring

Default Push on Ring setting applied when a phone registers.


When Push on Ring is enabled for a phone, the push server will send a push message to the phone when the phone starts ringing.  The message will be sent even if the called party is already on the line speaking to another party.


This option may be modified while the system is running.

Not checked

Push on Answer

Default Push on Answer setting applied when a phone registers.


When Push on Answer is enabled for a phone, the push server  will send a push message to the phone when the called party answers the call.


This option may be modified while the system is running.
