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This page, shown below, allows you to add phones manually to the configuration. This should not be necessary if the phones are configured correctly (see InnDesk Push Server Configuration).


Note: Any non-IP phones added to this list can only use the Alert Email and Alert Voice options as the other push options only work with IP phones.




Note: When phones are properly configured, they will automatically add themselves to the list when they boot. It is not recommended to insert phones manually.


The extension number and IP address of each phone must be unique.  You do not need to shut down the voice mail service to configure this list.





Extension number to add or remove.

IP Address

IP address of the phone associated with the specified extension.


If this extension is not an IP phone, leave this field blank.


Enter both values and click Add to add it to the list.  To remove a phone from the list, select it in the list and click Delete.


The phone list contains the following fields:


Field Name



Check this box to enable push for the given IP extension.


Disabling this setting will also disable emergency alert pushes for this phone.


Extension number associated with the IP phone.

Alert Phone

If checked, this IP phone will receive emergency alert push messages whenever someone dials one of the emergency numbers (such as 911).


This option only works with IP phones.

Alert Email

If checked, the email address(es) associated with this phone (as configured in the Email field) will receive emergency alert emails whenever someone dials one of the emergency numbers (such as 911).

Alert Voice

If checked, the system will send a special urgent voice message to the mailbox which matches the phone's extension number.


Enter one or more email addresses to receive the emergency alert emails if the Alert Email field is enabled.


If entering multiple email addresses, enter a semi-colon as a separator value between each address.

Push on ring

If checked, the system will send the push message when the phone starts ringing (as discussed in the General settings table, above).

Push on answer

If checked, the system will send the push message when the called party answers the phone (as discussed in the General settings table, above).

Push idle

If checked, the system will push an idle message when the called party hangs up.


This option only works with IP phones.


This phone's IP address.


For non-IP phones, this field will be blank.


Phone type as reported by the IP phone when it registers with the push server.


For non-IP phones, this field will be blank.