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Hospitality Service

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The DV2000/DV4 uses a discrete background "service" to support hospitality-related functionality, including:

Communication with a property management system (PMS)
Communication with client applications, such as InnDesk and PMS Monitor
Communication with the PBX to modify extension configuration, such as names, DND status, class of service, etc. (options vary by PBX).
Performance of the various hospitality functions, such as check in, check out, room move, etc.
Nightly maintenance actions, such as resetting maid status to 'dirty' (or equivalent) for all checked-in room mailboxes.


For the most part, this service should be transparent to the user; it is automatically started at boot-time by the main DV2000/DV4 service, which also monitors it to make sure it continues to run properly.