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Hospitality Administration

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The DV2000/DV4 voice messaging system (VMS) provides several features and utilities intended to support using the VMS in a hospitality environment.


The guest mailbox type provides for easy management of guest room mailboxes, and also offers a simplified subscriber menu for the guests (including the ability to login without a password from the room phone).  Automated wakeup calls can be scheduled by the guests themselves, as well as by the front desk.  And the VMS can even be integrated with a property management system (PMS), provided it uses a supported protocol.


There are three main applications you can use to configure, manage and monitor guest room mailboxes (and related information):

Mailbox Administrationuse this application to create and configure both guest and staff mailboxes.
PMS Monitoruse this application to monitor the serial communication traffic between the PMS and the hospitality service.
InnDeskuse this web application to review and manage guest rooms and wakeup calls.


This section covers the following subjects:




Administration by Phone

Covers the hospitality administration telephone user interface (TUI), including:  scheduling wakeup calls, re-recording hospitality prompts and managing guest rooms over the phone.

Guest and Room Management

Covers the nature and use of guest mailboxes, the guest directory, the room and guest functions supported by the system and the room-based nature of the system.

PMS Link Administration

Covers how to integrate with a property management system and monitor its communications, what protocols are supported, and which room (or guest) functions are supported by each protocol.

PBX Link Administration

Covers how to integrate with a PBX in a hospitality context, whether for PMS pass-through or just to update names and phone COS statuses.

Hospitality Service

Covers how to configure the general hospitality service settings and how to access its log files if needed.

Wakeup Call Feature

Covers the entire wakeup call feature, including how to schedule calls, how to configure how the calls are processed (both on success and failure), how call status can be passed to the PMS, and how to review the call results via the wakeup reports.