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Wakeup Call Feature

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The DV2000/DV4 (VMS) provides an automated wakeup call feature which can be enabled for guest mailboxes via the class of service (COS).


By default, both the Guest and Extended Stay COS templates have the wakeup call feature enabled.  This feature allows guests to schedule one or more wakeup call notifications for themselves for specific times and dates in the future.  When the time for the wakeup call arrives, the system will call the room extension and, if the phone is answered, will play an announcement to the guest and then hang up.  All wakeup-related activity is logged by the system and those logs can be reviewed by the hospitality administrator as needed.


Other aspects of the wakeup call feature include:

Front desk clerk can schedule wakeups for guests via the phone or InnDesk.
Front desk clerk can monitor wakeup call activity via InnDesk or using the DVReport utility.
Verbal notification to operator on failed wakeup call (if configured).
Snooze feature supported.
Guest-scheduling of the wakeup calls can be blocked while still allowing the PMS or administrator to schedule them
Wakeup call can be redirected to the operator, to prompt the operator to call the room personally