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The wakeup call feature is configured in the class of service (COS) template and, therefore, can be configured to operate differently for different mailboxes simply by assigning a different COS template.


A full discussion of COS template editing is covered in the Mailbox Administration section.  This section instead provides basic step-by-step instructions for configuring the following wakeup-related features:

Configure the guest subscriber menu
Configure the operator auto-transfer options
Configure the operator message settings
Configure the outdial settings
Configure the snooze settings
Configure the wakeup call message
Configure the wakeup call recipient


Factory standard templates

The DV2000/DV4 provides two standard COS templates you can use for guest mailboxes: Guest and Extended Stay.


When you create a new mailbox of type guest, the Guest COS is assigned by default.  Both of these templates are pre-configured for basic wakeup call service.  If you wish to configure the feature differently, the simplest option is to just edit the Guest COS template itself (you can always re-import the original template file later if you should need to).