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Class of service

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Class of service (COS) templates define the mailbox attributes and subscriber permissions and restrictions that control the behavior of the mailbox.  Only one COS may be assigned to a mailbox at a time, although a scheduled event template may override the assigned COS for mailboxes that support the use of scheduled events.  The COS template is assigned to the mailbox on the Owner Settings property page.


When you opt to edit an existing template or create a new one, the system will display the COS Editor dialog as shown below.  Other than what is displayed in the title bar and which buttons are available at the bottom, the dialog is the same in both cases.




The COS Editor divides the various settings amongst seven main tabs (General, Recording, Playback, Transfers, VeMail, Greetings & Prompts and Wakeup Calls)  and two sub-tabs under the Wakeup Calls tab (Operator and Snooze).


Along the bottom of the dialog, below the tabs, are three buttons:





Saves an existing template.


When creating a new template, this option is not available.

Save As

Saves a template with a new file name.


Closes the COS Editor without saving any changes.