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The DV2000/DV4 uses template files to modify mailbox behavior and call routing in various ways.  While global templates may be reviewed while editing a mailbox in the Mailbox Editor, they cannot be modified (with the exception of COS templates).


To create, modify or delete global templates, you must use the Templates menu item and the Template Manager.  This restriction is enforced because most global templates are used by multiple mailboxes.  If you are allowed to change a global template while editing a mailbox, it may affect other mailboxes without you realizing it.  COS editing is allowed as a convenience to the user (as they are the most commonly edited templates), but you should still be careful when making changes to them.


The Templates menu is shown in the figure below:




As shown, there are seven different types of system templates provided by the DV2000/DV4, each serving a different purpose:


Template Type


Call Routing (CRP)

Defines both pre- and post-processing for calls into the given mailbox.

Class of Service (COS)

Defines mailbox attributes and subscriber permissions and restrictions.

Message Delivery (MDT)

Defines message forwarding options.

Notifications (NTF)

Defines notification options triggered by certain events (such as receiving a message).

Question and Answer (QAS)

Defines the Q & A script used by a QA mailbox.

Scheduled Events (EVT)

Defines changes to mailbox behavior that occur on a scheduled basis, overriding various mailbox settings (including the active COS and SDA templates).

Single Digit Action Codes (SDA)

Defines user input options available during playback of the mailbox greeting.


Note: Although there are also mailbox templates, they are provided only for your convenience in creating certain types of mailboxes and cannot be created, edited or deleted by the user.  Consequently, they are not covered in this section.