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InnDesk requires no configuration in the voicemail, other than the addition of guest mailboxes.


InnDesk requires the site administrator to create accounts for those who will be accessing InnDesk.  While it is possible that multiple people can use the same account, it is strongly suggested you create an account for each user.  InnDesk will log the username when wakeup calls are created or canceled along with using it in many of its reporting facilities.


The administrator interface is available from any workstation, however only users who are administrators can access it.


To access the administrator interface from the local system, enter the address:




This version of InnDesk is installed with a single default staff account with the credentials are listed below.  You will need to log in to this account to create additional user accounts and to configure InnDesk.


For security reasons, you should change this account's password once InnDesk is configured, or create a new staff administrator account and delete this one.


Default username


Default password
