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To configure PMS Monitor, either:

Select Tools | Options from the main menu; or
Click the Options icon on the toolbar


This will open the Options dialog, as shown below.




Options include:




Start minimized

Check this box if you want PMS Monitor to be minimized to the taskbar immediately as soon as the application is started.

Minimize to system tray

Check this box if you want PMS Monitor to appear in the system tray, rather than the taskbar, when it is minimized.


Change the options as desired and click OK to save your changes.


Firewall Issues

PMS Monitor talks to the hospitality server using TCP/IP port numbers in the range 51000-51199.  Which ports it uses depend on the number of hospitality server instances are running on your system.


For a typical system with only one server instance, PMS Monitor will use ports 51001 and 51101.  A second instance would use 51002 and 51102.  And so forth.


Any firewall software should be configured to allow TCP communication over these ports or PMS Monitor will not be able to connect to the hospitality server.