In addition to the main menu bar, there is also a context menu you can access by right-clicking with the mouse on one of the ports, as shown in the figure below.

The first three menu options are only available if you right-clicked on a port, as shown. If you right-click on the empty area below the last port, these options will be grayed-out (i.e., disabled). Only the next-to-last option, Arrange, can be used if the system is running. The table below describes each option:
Menu Item
Open the selected port for editing.
Copy the selected port to create additional ports of the same type.
Delete the selected port(s).
Auto Number
Set the extension numbers for the selected voice ports. You must select more than one port for this to work. The system will prompt you for the lead extension number. That extension will be assigned to the lowest-numbered port that you selected. It will then auto-increment the extension number by one for each additional port that you selected, in order from lowest to highest port number.
Set the port option for registering with the SIP server. If set to Enabled, the port will attempt to register at startup, otherwise it will not. This option is not available on non-SIP systems.
Set hunt group
Set the hunt group for the selected port(s).
Re-arrange how the ports are listed, by port number, PBX name, default mailbox or location name. Selecting one the sub-options will reorder the ports based on that column, in alphabetic (or numeric) order. They will never be arranged in reverse order.
Create a new voice or fax port.
Note: Fax is not supported over SIP ports.
Note: Fax ports are only needed on older systems that have a separate fax modem card. On systems purchased with version 5.10 or higher (as opposed to older systems that have been upgraded), the Dialogic cards installed in the system have fax support built in (if you purchased that option) and you do not need to create a separate fax port. As noted above, this does not apply to SIP-enabled systems as they do not support fax at all.