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Review Archived Messages

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Some jurisdictions require that guest messages be kept available for a period of time after the guest has checked out.  Even where that is not the case, there may be instances where a guest will realize after check out that he (or she) needs to review a message again, or where a guest may receive a voice message after leaving the room but prior to checking out.  The DV2000/DV4 (VMS) addresses these possibilities by archiving all messages at check out.


Because guest mailboxes are not allowed to use archive folders—regardless of the class of service (COS)—the VMS uses several of these folders to hold the messages of previous guests.  When a guest checks out, any messages in archive folder 9 are erased from the system.  Then, any messages in archive folder 8 are moved into archive folder 9.  Likewise, messages from folder 7 are moved to folder 8, and so on up the line.  After the messages in folder 2 are moved to folder 3, all messages for the current guest (new, saved and deleted) are moved into archive folder 2 and the folder is marked with the current date.  (Archive 1 is not used for this purpose because it is used to hold the saved message queue.)


As you may guess, the length of time for which messages will be held will vary depending on the frequency of check outs for the given room.  Assuming no more than one check out per day, messages for a given guest should be available for at least a week.  With less room turnover, they may be available for a fair bit longer.


To retrieve these archived messages, you must know the date on which the guest checked out.  When you perform the review archived messages function, the VMS will ask you for the check out date and will use that date to determine which (if any) of the archived folders holds the messages you want.


Via the Room Phone

You can only perform this function via the room phone's subscriber menu; you can access this function from a front desk phone by following these steps:

1.Call into the VMS.
2.At the main greeting, press *.
3.Enter the room mailbox number.
4.Enter the password.  Default is: 1234.
5.Dial the guest room code: 678.
6.Enter the two-digit month the guest checked out (01-12).
7.Enter the two-digit day the guest checked out (01-31).
8.Enter the four-digit year the guest checked out.
9.If an archive folder is found for the date you specified, you will be placed in that queue.  Otherwise, the VMS will state: I'm sorry, but there are no messages in that folder.