Distribution lists (personal) |
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The Distribution Lists property page (note the plural) allows you to edit the nine personal distribution lists that are available to standard mailboxes only. This is not to be confused with the Distribution List property page (singular) which defines the single distribution list in a distribution mailbox. Personal distribution lists are contained within the standard mailbox in which they are created and therefore can only be used by the subscriber who owns that mailbox.
A sample distribution lists property page is shown below.
On the left side is a row of buttons labeled 1 through 9. Click the button for the list you wish to edit. In this example, list 1 has been selected for editing.
Next is the list of available mailboxes. This list includes all eligible mailboxes that are not already included in the list. Eligible mailboxes include any distribution, group, guest or standard mailbox, except the current mailbox (a mailbox cannot include itself in a personal distribution list). Neither QA nor system mailboxes can be included in distribution lists.
The table on the right side of the property page displays the mailbox number, subscriber name and mailbox type of the mailboxes currently in the selected distribution list.
Although other distribution mailboxes may include a mailbox in their list that you have already included in yours, this is not a problem. Before sending a distribution list message, the system will parse through your distribution list, and through the lists for any included distribution and group mailboxes (and through any lists that those lists include). It will build a virtual master list that only includes one copy of each guest or standard mailbox found in any of the lists it processed. It is to that virtual list that the message is then sent, thereby ensuring that no mailbox gets more than one copy of the message.
The following buttons are provided for moving mailboxes in and out of the list:
To add a single mailbox to the distribution list, double-click on it in the left list box. To add one or more mailboxes at once, select them in the list box (use the Ctrl key or the Shift key to make multiple selections) then click > to move them over. To add all mailboxes to the distribution list, click the >> button.
To remove a single mailbox from the list, double-click on it in the table on the right. It will move back over to the list box on the left. Or you can remove one or more mailboxes from the list by selecting them (use the Ctrl or Shift key to make multiple selections) and then clicking the < button. To clear the list of all mailboxes, click the << button.
Any changes you make will not be permanent until you click Apply or OK. If you click Cancel without first clicking Apply, all changes will be discarded. Note: If a recipient of a distribution list message replies to the message using the reply option, the response is sent to the distribution mailbox, not the original sender. To have the response sent only to the original sender instead, configure the assigned COS to enable the Reply to creator not sender setting.