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In addition to the low-level logging that is placed in the various trace log files, the Martec System Interface (MSI) also tracks certain information in its own database, in a format that can be read by the DVReport report generator.  Using the DVReport utility, you can generate a report of MSI activity, including both the scheduling of the calls by the MSI server and the actual performance of the calls by the notification process.


To generate an MSI activity report, run the DVReport utility and click the New icon on the toolbar or select File | New from the main menu.  From the Reports dialog, shown below, select MSI Activity Log and click OK.




The next dialog, shown below, allows you to limit the report based on the mailbox (extension) number or a date range, or both.  If you leave the mailbox number blank and leave the Date selection box unchecked, it will generate a report using all activity log data currently in the database.




The following figure shows a report generated using the settings in the dialog shown above:  all entries for all mailboxes, between 26 September and 30 September of 2010.




For each entry, the report displays several pieces of information:





The date and time of the log entry.


The room number for which the action was performed.


The voice line used, if relevant.  Will be blank for entries not related to call-out attempts.


Who or what initiated the action being logged.


What specific action or event is being logged.


What happened when the action was performed.


Any further details that help explain the action and its result.


The report can be saved as a comma-separated value (CSV) file by clicking the Save icon in the toolbar or selecting File | Save as CSV from the main menu.  In the standard Save As dialog that appears, navigate to the desired folder and enter a filename, then click Save to write the file.


In addition, you can print the report to a connected printer by clicking the Printer icon or selecting File | Print from the main menu.  In the Print dialog, select the printer to use, make any other necessary configuration selections, then click OK to add your print-out to the print queue.