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Create a single voice port

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There are two ways to create a single voice port:

1.Select Define Ports | Voice Ports | Define a Voice Port from the main menu; or
2.Right-click on the whitespace below the last port in the list and select New | Voice Port from the context menu.


The system will automatically select the next available port number as the one that you are creating.  For example, if you already have four voice ports defined, the system will assume you are creating voice port number five.

Note: The system will not allow you to create more voice ports than your license will allow.  If Voice Ports is set to 4 and you try to create a new voice port, the system will display an error message informing you that you are only registered for four ports.

If you are able to create the port, the system will open the Port Configuration dialog.  Refer to the Edit a Voice Port section for a discussion of this dialog.