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VeMail is a standard feature on all DV2000/DV4 systems.  A VeMail message consists of a WAV file attachment to an email message created by the system and sent to a specified email address.  To listen to the message, the recipient can simply play the WAV file attachment using the multimedia capabilities of the recipient's PC.  No special client software is required; all you need is the standard sound card and driver found in most PCs, and media player capable of playing standard WAV files.  And unless the mailbox has been configured to "delete upon delivery," the original message will remain in the subscriber's mailbox, where it can be saved, forwarded, replied to or deleted via the telephone interface.


On systems with fax support installed, fax messages may also be forwarded to email using the VeMail feature.  These files are attached to the email messages as either TIF or PDF files, depending on how the mailbox's assigned COS template is configured. TIF files may be viewed in any application that supports the TIFF format; PDF files may be viewed using Adobe's free Acrobat Reader (or any other application that supports the PDF format).


Access VeMail configuration by selecting Features | VeMail from the main menu.  This opens the VeMail Configuration dialog, as shown below.




Enable VeMail

There is one general setting for enabling or disabling the VeMail feature, which appears in the upper right portion of the dialog, above the POP3 settings.  To enable the feature, check the box; to disable it, uncheck the box.  When this option is disabled, all other settings will be grayed-out so that you cannot change them.


Enable Reply-to-Delete

The reply-to-delete feature allows the subscriber to delete the original voice mail message by replying to the VeMail message using the email client.  This option requires a valid POP3 account on your mail server, and the account's address must match the Reply-To-Address listed in the SMTP settings.


To enable reply-to-delete, check the box; to disable it, uncheck the box.  When this option is disabled, the POP3 settings will be grayed-out so that you cannot change them (because they are not relevant unless reply-to-delete is enabled).


In order to send VeMail messages, the system requires valid SMTP settings.





Server Name or IP Address


Name or IP address of the SMTP server.

Reply-To Address


Valid email address that the DV2000/DV4 may place in the From: line of each VeMail message.



Port number used for SMTP.



Check this box if your email server requires the use of SSL/TLS to provide a secure, encrypted connection when you are sending email using SMTP.

Use Anonymous Logon


Check this box to use anonymous SMTP logon (this will disable the User Name, Password and Confirm Password fields as they aren't relevant for anonymous SMTP).

User Name


Username for the valid SMTP account assigned to the DV2000/DV4 (if using secure logon).



Password assigned to the account specified in the User Name field (if using secure logon).

Confirm Password


Same as above (used to confirm password was entered correctly).


POP3 Settings

The POP3 settings are only valid if reply-to-delete is enabled.  When reply-to-delete is enabled, all POP3 settings must be entered; there is no anonymous POP3 option.





Server Name or IP Address


Name or IP address of the POP3 server.



Port number used for POP3.



Check this box if your email server requires the use of SSL/TLS to provide a secure, encrypted connection when you are receiving email using POP3.

User Name


Username for the valid POP3 account assigned to the DV2000/DV4. Make sure this account is mapped to the email address you specified as the Reply-To Address in the SMTP settings.



Password assigned to the account specified in the User Name field.

Confirm Password


Same as above (used to confirm password was entered correctly).


Other Settings

The remaining settings control the timing of when messages are sent and, if relevant, how frequently to check for incoming messages.





Check for new every...

60 sec.

Indicates how frequently the system will check for incoming messages if the Reply-to-delete feature is enabled.

Send new every...

30 sec.

Indicates how frequently the system will check if it has any new outbound messages to send (retry attempts for failed messages are controlled by the Failed retry delay setting, below).

Send retries

10 sec.

Indicates how many times the system will retry if the attempt to send a message fails.

Failed retry delay

5 min.

Indicates how long the system will wait after a failed send attempt before trying again.