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Message Queues

The voice messaging system (VMS) supports up to three different message queues for each mailbox.





All incoming messages are placed in this queue.


When listening to messages in this queue, urgent messages are always played first, then normal messages.


If message waiting notifications are enabled, the message light will remain on as long as there are any messages in this queue.


Messages remain in the New queue until they are explicitly saved or deleted.

Saved / Archived

If message archiving is disabled in the COS, all saved messages are stored in the Saved queue.


If message archiving is enabled, then every time the user saves a messages, he or she will be prompted to select which archive folder to store the message in.  There are nine archive folders, numbered 1 through 9.


When a message is deleted, it is stored in the deleted queue.


The system then schedules a "message deletion" event for that message.  Typically, this event is scheduled to execute 24 hours after the subscriber deleted the message.  During this time period, the subscriber may use the undelete action to retrieve the message; once the event is executed, however, the message is erased from the system and cannot be retrieved.


Note: This does not apply to guest mailboxes; for that mailbox type, deleted messages are stored in one of the unused archive folders and, when the guest checks out, those messages along with any new or saved messages still in the mailbox will be archived for up to a week (and possibly longer).  A method of accessing these messages is available to the operator.


Note:   While availability of archived message folders is determined by the COS, mailboxes of type guest do not have access to archive folders or the deleted queue, regardless of the COS settings.

Message Types

Depending on the COS settings, voice messages may be marked with different attributes that control when or how they are played, how they are stored, or what the recipient can do with them.





Any message not marked urgent.  Normal messages play after urgent messages and can be forwarded without restriction.


Any message marked urgent by the sender.  Urgent messages play before normal messages.


Once a message is saved or deleted, it loses the urgent status and becomes a normal message.


Any normal or urgent message that has been marked private by the sender.  Private messages cannot by forwarded.


Saving or deleting a private message does not remove its private status.

Return Receipt

Any message may be marked for return receipt.


A return message is auto-generated when the recipient listens to the message for the first time.  Once the receipt has been sent, the return receipt status is removed from the message.


Any message received as fax data.