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Securing InnDesk

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By default, InnDesk allows you to view room and wakeup information without logging into an account; you only need to log in if you want to change something (such as scheduling a wakeup call for a guest room).  However, there is a configuration setting that allows you to secure InnDesk so that a user must log into a valid account even to view information.


To change the Require Login setting, follow these steps:

1.From any browser, access InnDesk and login using an administrator account.  This can be done from the homepage of InnDesk.  Enter your username and password in the boxes provided in the upper right corner (as shown below) and then click Login.




2.In the address bar add /install to the address shown.  For example:




3.Check the box labeled Require Login, as shown below.




4.Click Ok to save the settings.


With the Require Login setting enabled, if you open InnDesk it will only display a login screen, as shown below:




The Home page will only be displayed if the user logs into a valid account with the correct credentials.