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View user list

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To view the user list:


1. From any browser, access InnDesk and login using a valid account.  This can be done from the homepage of InnDesk.  Enter your username and password in the boxes provided in the upper right corner (as shown below) and then click Login.




2. From the menu, select Reports | User List:




The User List report contains the following information:





The username for this user.  Required for login.

First Name

User's first name, if configured.  Blank by default.

Last Name

User's last name, if configured.  Blank by default.


Not used.

Last Login

Date and time user last logged in to InnDesk.  Format is year/month/day hour:minute AM/PM.

Admin Access

Indicates if this user can access the InnDesk administration pages and the Administration menu.

Logged In

Indicates if this user is currently logged in to InnDesk.