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When you select the Categories option on the main Inventory page, InnDesk will display the current list of item categories in a table on the right side of the page, as shown in the figure below.  This table includes the category's name and description.  The list is sorted by the Name field.




You can search for any item by typing a partial name or description in the search box provided and then clicking the Search button.  InnDesk will display only those items whose name or description contains the text you entered in the search box.


Add a Category

To add a new category, click the Add button, located on the right side of the Categories table (there are actually two Add buttons, one at the top of the table and one at the bottom; both buttons have the same behavior).  This will display an empty Field Edit form, as shown below.




Enter the data according to the instructions provided on-screen, then select OK or Insert to add the item.  Both fields are limited to a maximum of 24 characters.


The following buttons are provided on the form:

OKsave your entry and return to the Categories page.
Cancelcancel your entry and return to the Categories page.
Insertsave your entry and blank the form so you can add another item.
Resetreset the form to default values.


Edit or Delete a Category

To edit a category, click on either its name or its description (both are clickable links).  This will open the Field Edit form with the selected item's data already filled in, as shown below.




Change the name and/or description as desired, then click OK to save it.


The following buttons are provided on this version of the form:

OKsave your changes and return to the Categories page.
Cancelcancel your changes and return to the Categories page.
Resetreset the form to default values.
Deletedelete the category from the database.