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Mailbox statistics

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The Mailbox Statistics property page provides several statistics that may be of interest to the system administrator, as shown in the figure below.




The provided statistics include:




Date of Mailbox Creation

The date on which the mailbox was created, formatted as M/D/YYYY.

Date of Last Modifications

The date on which the mailbox was last modified via Mailbox Administration.


A date of 0/0/0 means the mailbox has not been modified since it was created.

Date of Last Statistics Refresh

The date on which the statistics were last reset.


A date of 0/0/0 means they have not been reset since the mailbox was created.

New Messages

The count of new and saved messages currently in the mailbox.

Archived Messages

The total count of messages in archive folders.

Total Messages Received

The total number of messages the mailbox has received since the last refresh.

Completed Notifications

The total number of notifications that have been performed for this mailbox since the last refresh.

Subscriber Logins

The total number of times the subscriber has logged into the mailbox since the last refresh.

Total Minutes in Use

The total number of minutes the subscriber has been logged into the mailbox (aggregate of all logins since last refresh).

Available Message Storage

The total number of minutes and seconds of recording time available for this mailbox, as determined by the assigned COS.

Message Storage in Use

The total number of minutes and seconds of recording time currently in use (aggregate of all messages).


When you click the Reset button, the Total Messages Received, Completed Notifications, Subscriber Logins, and Total Minutes in Use are all set to zero, and the Date of Last Statistics Refresh is updated to the current date.