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Speed and volume

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The Speed and Volume property page displays the default speed and volume settings for both the playing of system prompts for the given mailbox and for the playing of messages during message review.  It also allows you to change those defaults within a limited range of settings.  By default, all four values are set to the median setting, as shown in the figure below.




As stated above, there are two groupings:

Message Settings—controls the default speed and volume for message playback.
System Prompt Settings—controls the speed and volume at which system prompts are played for this mailbox.

Note:  This setting also affects the speed and volume at which the mailbox greeting is played for callers.


Use the slider bars to adjust the various settings.  Moving the slider up will increase the value and moving it down will decrease the value.  The median setting is considered the zero (0) setting, with the values above it ranging from +1 to +5 and the values below it ranging from -1 to -5.


After making any adjustments, click Apply or OK to save the changes or Cancel to discard them.


SIP and Changing the Playback Speed

SIP systems do not support changing playback speed by default; support for it must be configured for each system manually.  This is a limitation of the Dialogic drivers not the DV2000/DV4 itself.


The following steps will guide you through enabling this feature. The DuVoice system must also be running version 5.20.030 or above.

1. Shutdown the voice mail service using Activity Monitor.
2. Shutdown the Dialogic drivers using the DCM (access via Start | All Programs | Dialgoic HMP | Configuration Manager - DCM).
3. Open Windows Explorer (the file explorer, not IE) and browse to c:\programdata\Dialogic\data.
4. There you will find typically 6 files.  You want to edit the .config file which matches your MAC address.
5. Find the [decoder] section.
6. Find the line: SetParm=0x31e, 0  !SPC Disabled (1=Enable, 0=Disable)
7. Change it to: SetParm=0x31e, 1  !SPC Disabled (1=Enable, 0=Disable)
8. Save the .config file.
9. Open a command prompt, type cd c:\programdata\dialogic\data and press Enter.
10. Run the fcdgen program to generate the .fcd file for your machine. The name of the input and output file must match the .config file you just edited.  Execute fcdgen as follows:

fcdgen -f <input file>.config -o <output file>.fcd

Example: fcdgen -f 128.config -o 128.fcd

11. Using the DCM, start Dialogic.
12. Using Activity Monitor, start the voice mail service.