DV2000/DV4 provides support for emailing the pending wakeup call report to one or more email addresses on a specified schedule.
Note: This feature requires that the VeMail feature also be configured.
The Reports page of the Hospitality Configuration dialog is used to configure the feature.

This feature only relates to the report for pending wakeup calls and nothing else.
Check this box to enable this feature.
Hour, Minute
Set the hour and minute at which the system should begin emailing reports on each day.
Specify how often, in hours, that the pending wakeup report should be emailed.
Email addresses
Enter the list of one or more valid email addresses to receive the report. Separate multiple addresses using a semi-colon after each address.
Email format
Select the type of email to receive.
Email will be nicely formatted using HTML, for ease of reading.
Email will be minimally formatted using text only (no HTML tags).