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Outdial restrictions

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The Outdial Restrictions tab, shown below, allows you to add, delete or review outbound dial patterns to be blocked for this location.  Any phone number that matches a pattern in this list will not be allowed when a subscriber is adding or editing a notification number (such as for paging).




Restricted patterns are listed in the table.  For each entry, there are two settings:

Outdial Pattern to Restrict—displays the pattern that is being blocked (X's are wild cards).
Outdial Length—displays the total number of digits in the pattern (dashes are ignored).


To remove a restriction from the list, click on it in the table and then press Remove.


To add a restriction, click Add.  This will open the Add Restriction dialog, shown below.




Settings include:

Total length of outdial string pattern—specifies the number of digits in the pattern (not including any dashes).
Beginning digits to examine in pattern—specifies the first few digits that must be matched in order for the phone number being checked to be considered a match for this pattern.  Do not include any dashes.  For example:  911, 1900, 1976, etc.
Access Type—reserved for future use.


Enter the settings for the new restriction and click OK to add it.  Or click Cancel to close the dialog without adding anything.