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The Room Status Interface (RSI) keeps its own database of rooms, separate from the voicemail system.  This allows RSI to have relevant non-guest rooms, such as conference rooms, offices or the like.  Room numbers may also start with leading zeros (such as 0120) if required.


When you select the Rooms option on the main Inventory page, InnDesk will display the list of rooms in a table on the right side of the page, as shown in the figure below.

Note: If your system has both the RSI and the ISI IVR applications installed, the rooms information will be shared between both applications.




Each room has a room number and a description; the checkboxes to the left of the room numbers are used in to mark rooms for deletion, as discussed below.


You can search for any room by entering a partial number or description in the search box, then clicking the Search button.  InnDesk will redisplay the table, only showing the rooms where the room number or description includes the text you entered.


Delete a Room

To delete one or more rooms, check the checkbox next to each room number you wish to delete and then click the Delete button on the right side of the table (there are actually two Delete buttons, one at the top of the table and one at the bottom; both buttons have the same behavior).  InnDesk will delete the selected rooms and refresh the table.


Add a Room

To add a new room, click the Add button located on the right side of the Rooms table (there are actually two Add buttons, one at the top of the table and one at the bottom; both buttons have the same behavior).  InnDesk will then display an empty Room Edit form, as shown below.




Enter the room data according to the instructions provided on-screen, then click OK or Insert to save it.


The following buttons are provided on this form:

OKsave your entry and return to the Rooms page.
Cancelcancel your entry and return to the Rooms page.
Insertsave your entry and blank the form so you can add another room.
Resetreset the form to default values.


Edit a Room

To edit a room, click on either its room number or its description in the table (both a clickable links).  This will open the Room Edit form with the selected room's data already filled in, as shown below.




Once assigned, a room number cannot be changed; hence, the Room field is not editable.  If you need to change a room number, you must delete the room and then add the new room number.


Change the description as desired, then click OK to save it.


The following buttons are provided on this version of the form:

OKsave your changes and return to the Rooms page.
Cancelcancel your changes and return to the Rooms page.
Resetreset the form to default values.
Deletedelete the room from the database and return to the Rooms page.


Custom Room Fields

Each room may have an unlimited number of additional, custom fields.  These fields are not used or displayed by the RSI, but may be sent to the remote server(s).  When you select the Room Fields option on the main Inventory page, InnDesk will display the Room Fields table on the right side of the page, as shown in the figure below.




You can display all fields associated with a given room by entering the room number in the search box, then clicking the Search button.  InnDesk will refresh the Room Fields table to only display fields for the room number you entered.


Add a Field

To add a room field, click the Add button on the right side of the Room Fields table (there are actually two Add buttons, one at the top of the table and one at the bottom; both buttons have the same behavior).  InnDesk will display a blank Field Edit form, as shown below.




Enter the field data according to the instructions provided on-screen, then click OK or Insert to save the new field.


Note: The Name field must be an XML-compatible node name, which means it must conform to the following restrictions:

It must start with a letter.
It cannot contain the letters 'xml' or 'XML' or any other variation thereof.
It cannot contain any spaces or any of the following characters:  &, <, >.


The following buttons are provided on this form:

OKsave your entry and return to the Room Fields page.
Cancelcancel your entry and return to the Room Fields page.
Insertsave your entry and blank the form so you can add another field.
Resetreset the form to default values.


Edit or Delete a Field

To edit a custom field, click on its room number or description in the table.  This will open the Field Edit form with the selected field's data already filled in, as shown below.




Change the room number, field name, description and/or value as desired, then click OK to save it.


The following buttons are provided on this version of the form:

OKsave your changes and return to the Room Fields page.
Cancelcancel your changes and return to the Room Fields page.
Resetreset the form to default values.
Deletedelete the field from the database and return to the Room Fields page.


Sync With Voicemail

When you select the Sync with Voicemail option on the main Inventory page, InnDesk will display the Rooms to be Added table on the right side of the page, as shown in the figure below.  This table will include only those room numbers that exist in the voicemail system but not in the RSI system.




For each room, the table displays the room number, the first name and the last name.  It also displays a check box to the left of each room number.


To add rooms to the RSI database, check each checkbox next to the room numbers you want to add and uncheck any you do not want.  Then click the Add button to apply the changes (there are actually two Add buttons, one at the top of the table and one at the bottom; both buttons have the same behavior).


InnDesk will then refresh the list, removing any of the rooms that have successfully been added and displaying a message above the table stating if the process was successful or not.