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The Inband tab, shown below, contains settings that define the inband codes sent by the PBX to the VMS at the start of a call.  These codes do not apply for switches that send call information via SMDI (or another serial integration).




General Settings




Wait for digits time out (10 ms)

Specifies the length of time to wait for inband DTMF digits, in 10 ms increments.  The value 350, for example, equals 3500 ms (3.5 seconds).


Once the wait time has expired, the system will parse the DTMF string, even if it has not received the maximum number of digits allowed.

Number of digits to get

Specifies the maximum number of DTMF digits to accept.


Once this number of digits have been received, the DTMF string will be parsed, even if the wait time has not yet expired.


Inband Mask Codes

The inband mask codes are strings you enter that tell the system how to interpret the inband DTMF codes it receives at the start of each call.  These strings use special variables (or mask values) to indicate where in the code the extension will appear.  There are different types of inband codes.  You may assign more than one inband mask code to a given typee.g., you can assign multiple codes to the RNA codes list.  Any code list that is left blank is not used.


When using mask values that are intended to mark the location of an extension number in the code string, always use one character for each digit of the extension.  For example, if your system uses 3-digit extensions, then the subscriber login code should include the string eee in the appropriate place in the code string.


The supported mask values are:


Mask Value


Used For


Called extension

Busy codes


Calling extension (subscriber)

Subscriber login codes


Calling extension of any length



Called extension

Immediate record codes


Called extension

RNA codes


Calling extension (caller ID)

Any (except subscriber login)

x, ?

Digits that can be ignored



Called extension

Always forward code


All remaining digits can be ignored



There are two additional mask values that act as wild cards, representing multiple digits rather than just one digit.  They can be used in any of the codes in place of the mask values defined above.


Mask Value


Used For


Calling extension of any length



Called extension of any length



When using these wild card values, the code string must include some kind of delimiter to separate the calling party from the called party, such as the # character used by the Avaya integrations.  If, for example, you define a code string as mf it will not work because there is no way for the system to know where the called party ends and the calling party begins.  If your PBX sends inband codes in that kind of format, you will have to use the regular mask values defined in the previous table instead.


The DV2000/DV4 currently defines five types of codes you can configure as part of the integration template.  For each type, the integration template maintains a list of up to nine code strings, so if more than one inband code equates to RNA, you can assign both strings to the RNA code list.


As shown in the figure above, there is a list box and a button for each type of code.  Only use the list box to review the current strings.  Do not try to add a new string directly into the list; always add, edit or delete strings by clicking on the button next to the list.  The different code types are:




Edit busy code

Codes that indicate the call was forwarded on a busy condition.


Use the b mask value for each digit of the called extension (and the s mask value for each digit of the calling extension, if applicable).


For variable-length extension numbers, you can use a single m mask value for the called extension.  If there is also a calling extension specified, you can use a single f mask value (instead of multiple s values) as long as there is an explicit delimiter between the two numbers.

Edit RNA code

Codes that indicate the call was forwarded on no answer (RNA).


Use the r mask value for each digit of the called extension (and the s mask value for each digit of the calling extension, if applicable).


For variable-length extension numbers, you can use a single m mask value for the called extension.  If there is also a calling extension specified, you can use a single f mask value (instead of multiple s values) as long as there is an explicit delimiter between the two numbers.

Edit always forward code

Codes that indicate the call was forwarded on DND.


Use the y mask value for each digit of the called extension (and the s mask value for each digit of the calling extension, if applicable).


For variable-length extension numbers, you can use a single m mask value for the called extension.  If there is also a calling extension specified, you can use a single f mask value (instead of multiple s values) as long as there is an explicit delimiter between the two numbers.

Edit immediate record code

Codes that indicate the call was forwarded for immediate record (a.k.a. record-a-call).


Use the i mask value for each digit of the called extension (and the s mask value for each digit of the calling extension, if applicable).


For variable-length extension numbers, you can use a single m mask value for the called extension.  If there is also a calling extension specified, you can use a single f mask value (instead of multiple s values) as long as there is an explicit delimiter between the two numbers.


Only some PBX systems support this feature.

Edit subscriber login code

Codes that indicate the call as a direct-dialed call for subscriber login.


Use the e mask value for each digit of the subscriber's extension.  While the subscriber extension may be the calling party (with the voice mail extension being the called party), make sure you use e and not s to represent its place in the string, as that is how the system knows which mailbox to log into.


For variable-length extension numbers, you can use a single m mask value for the subscriber's extension.


When you click one of the buttons, the system will display the Edit Inband Signaling Codes dialog, as shown below.




The top box displays the list of current code strings for the given code type.  The lower box is where you type in a new code to add to the list or edit an existing code you want to change.  The buttons on the right provide the possible actions you can take:





Close the dialog.


Delete the selected string from the list.


Move the selected string up one row.


Move the selected string down one row.


Add a new string to the bottom of the list.


First, type the new mask code into the lower box and then click Add to add it.  Use the Up and Down buttons to change its priority in the list.


Update the selected string.


Select the string, edit it in the lower box, then click Change to update it in the list.


Warning: Always make sure that the longer strings are listed first.  The figure above is okay because the strings are sufficiently unique.  However, it is best to always order the strings from longest to shortest to ensure proper call processing.  This is particularly true if you are adding strings to support a mixed dialing plan (such as having both 3-digit and 4-digit extensions).


An entry of x#03#rrr#sss# could match an actual inband DTMF code of 9#03#100#200#.  This would be translated as follows:

1.Ignore the first digit (x=9)
2.The PBX code is also ignored (#03#)
3.The called extension on RNA (rrr=100)
4.The # character is ignored.
5.The calling extension on an internal call (sss=200)
6.The # character is ignored.


Processing Inband Codes

When the system is trying to match an inband DTMF string against the inband mask codes to determine the call type, it always compares them in a specific order.


First, it will try to match the string against one of the mask codes defined in the PBX integration, moving through the different code types in the following order: RNA, busy, immediate record, subscriber login and always forward.  For each type, it will process the list of codes from the top down before moving on to the next code type.


If, after processing all the mask codes defined in the PBX integration template, it still has not found a match, the system will process the mask codes defined in the integration.ini file, starting with NightButtonOn, then NightButtonOff, and then each of the nine NoActionHangup codes.  If it still cannot find a matching mask code, it will direct the call to the auto attendant mailbox for the location assigned to the voice line the call came in on.


Once a match is found, the system will parse the inband string according to the matching mask code to determine the call type and, if relevant, the called extension and the calling extension.