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Integration Template Editor

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Whether you are editing an existing template or creating a new one, you will do so using the Integration Template Editor.  This multi-tabbed dialog gives you access to all the settings that control how the system integrates with the PBX for call handling.

General—displays general integration settings.
Transfer—displays transfer-related settings.
Inband—displays settings for parsing the inband DTMF integration strings.
Disconnect—displays disconnect settings.


In addition to the tabs, there are four buttons along the bottom of the dialog.  They are:

Savesaves the current template.  Only enabled if you are editing an existing template.
Save Asopens the Save As dialog so that you can give the template a name before saving it.  Use this button when saving a new template or if you want save your changes to a new file without overwriting the file you are editing.
Cancelclose the dialog without saving any changes.
Helpopen this help file.