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Advanced Settings

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The Advanced Settings page, shown below, can be accessed by opening a port for editing and then clicking the Advanced button next to the PBX integration file setting.  These settings are port-specific.




Use this tab to modify voice board parameters specific to the voice port being edited. This is for advanced users only; if you aren't sure about something, don't change it.  Note that when you select an item in the list, a brief description and the range of possible values are both displayed in the Parameter description box on the right.


To change a setting, click on it in the list and then click Change Setting.  A warning message will display along with the Change Board Level Parameter dialog.  To continue, enter the new value in the New Setting field, then click OK.  To quit without changing anything, click Cancel.


To reset a value to the default setting, check the Use board default setting checkbox.  This is only available if settings have been changed.  If you do change any settings, use the Upload voice board parameters action in the Tools menu to activate the new settings.