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The QA mailbox is a special-purpose mailbox designed to elicit information from the caller via a question-and-answer format.


Depending on configuration, the QA mailbox may take one of two basic forms:  a straight question-and-answer format where the caller records verbal responses to each query which are then collated into a single voice message, or a survey-style format where the callers presses digits on the phone keypad in response to each question.  In the latter case, the data for each call is saved as a comma-delimited record in a text file that the administrator can access when needed.


Although a QA mailbox could be used as a subscriber mailbox, it is really designed more as a special-purpose type of mailbox.  While it has most of the same subscriber options as a standard mailbox, its subscriber menu does not offer the send message option.


The subscriber menu for a QA mailbox has the following options:

Review messages
Record greetings
Change mailbox settings
Undelete messages
Manage lists & folders