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Call Process

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There are two parts to the wakeup call process:  the outdialing process and the performance of the wakeup itself when the guest answers the call.  We'll consider each in turn.


Outdial Process

The flowchart below outlines the basic outdialing process, showing the process flow both when call progress is used and when it is not.





Which process is used depends on the configuration of the outdial settings on the Wakeup Calls tab for the class of service (COS) template.  In most cases you will be using call progress, as it allows the system to detect busy and no-answer (RNA) conditions.  As shown, a call that is not answered (whether due to RNA, busy or no dial tone) will be rescheduled to try again in accordance with the settings in the Wakeup Call notification template.  If no more retries are allowed, then the wakeup call is marked as failed.


Interactive Voice Response Process

Once the call has been answered by the guest, the wakeup itself is performed.  The flowchart below outlines the possible scenarios of what prompts will be played (and whether it will wait for DTMF), depending on the COS configuration.  Whether the call returns 'Done' or 'Snoozed', the VMS will disconnect the call at the end.






As shown in the flowchart above, the following scenarios are possible.  All scenarios can include the wakeup message at the end, if it is recorded (there is no default recording).  Also, in all scenarios, the entire set of prompts may be repeated multiple times if the COS template is configured to do so.



Prompts played


This is your scheduled wakeup call.

Snooze enabled

This is your scheduled wakeup call.  To snooze this call, press any key.

Snooze enabled; final call

This is your final wakeup call.  You have reached the maximum number of snoozes allowed.

Standard, with room number

Room <number>, this is your scheduled wakeup call.

Snooze enabled, with room number

Room <number>, this is your scheduled wakeup call.  To snooze this call, press any key.

Snooze enabled; final call, with room number

Room <number>, this is your final wakeup call.  You have reached the maximum number of snoozes allowed.

Standard, with scheduled time

This is your scheduled wakeup call, for <hh:mm am/pm>.

Snooze enabled, with scheduled time

This is your scheduled wakeup call, for <hh:mm am/pm>.  To snooze this call, press any key.

Snooze enabled; final call, with scheduled time (not voiced in this case)

This is your final wakeup call.  You have reached the maximum number of snoozes allowed.

Standard, with room number and scheduled time

Room <number>, this is your scheduled wakeup call, for <hh:mm am/pm>.

Snooze enabled, with room number and scheduled time

Room <number>, this is your scheduled wakeup call, for <hh:mm am/pm>.  To snooze this call, press any key.

Snooze enabled; final call, with room number and scheduled time (not voiced)

Room <number>, this is your final wakeup call.  You have reached the maximum number of snoozes allowed.