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Set VIP Flag

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When a room is marked as VIP, it is possible to have wakeup calls routed to the operator rather than directly to the guest room extension.  This allows the operator to make a personalized wakeup call to the guest.  To enable this option on the DV2000/DV4, please refer to the section on editing the Wakeup Call settings in the COS template.



Depending on the protocol in use, the PMS may either set the VIP flag as part of the check-in packet, or it may send a separate Set VIP Status packet (or both).  The flag is then automatically disabled at check-out.


Via InnDesk

To change the VIP status via InnDesk:

1.Select Guest Services | Manage Room.
2.Use the drop-down list box to select the room to be modified.
3.On the Owner Settings tab, look for the VIP line.  The drop-down list box on that line will display the current status.
4.Use the selection box to enable or disable the VIP status.  VIP status is a flag not a value, so it can only be turned on or off.
5.Click Apply if you wish to continue reviewing or editing settings for this room or click Save if you are finished; either option will save any changes you have made.


To set the guest language at check-in, via InnDesk:

1.Select Guest Services | Manage Room.
2.Use the drop-down list box to select the room to be checked in.
3.On the Owner Settings tab, look for the Status line; it should say Vacant.  If it says Occupied, then the room is already checked in.
4.On the VIP line, use the selection box to enable or disable the VIP status.  VIP status is a flag not a value, so it can only be turned on or off.
5.Click the Check In button.
6.InnDesk will display a dialog asking for confirmation.  Click OK to check the room in.