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Set Maid Status

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The DV2000/DV4 supports changing the maid status (a.k.a., room clean status) on the PMS, and provides up to three ways to do so:


1. If the system is connected to a PBX that provides support for changing the maid status, and the PBX sends notification of such changes over its hospitality link with the DV2000/DV4, then change will also be forwarded on to the PMS.
2. Even if the PBX does not support changing maid status, the DV2000/DV4 itself provides a way for the housekeeping staff to change the maid status by logging into the guest mailbox and dialing a code.  The code will then be forwarded to the PMS.
3. The maid status can also be changed using InnDesk, and that change will be passed on to the PMS.


In addition, the DV2000/DV4 can also be configured to automatically change the maid status to a specified value during nightly maintenance and/or at room check out.  This change can be forwarded to the PMS (or not, if the PMS already auto-changes the value itself in those cases).


The following status codes are currently supported by the DV2000/DV4 and InnDesk (these are the codes you would dial in option 2 above).  The meanings listed for each protocol are the default meanings specified in the protocol; in may cases, they can be changed on the PMS and can also be changed in the hospitality configuration of the DV2000/DV4 as well.


Code to Dial

(No Maid ID)

Code to Dial

(With Maid ID)






Micros Fidelio


















Occupied / Clean



In Progress

Vacant / Dirty

Clean Start


Maid Present



In Progress

Occupied / Dirty




Occupied / Dirty

Clean End


Room Clean




Vacant / Clean

In Progress



Vacant / Clean

Inspection End


Not Clean



Out of Service

Vacant / Dirty



Out of Service

Occupied / Clean

Out of Order


Out of Service




Occupied / Ready




Vacant / Inspected

Admin Clean Start


To Be Inspected




Occupied / Not Ready



Occupied / Clean

Occupied / Inspected

Admin Clean End






Vacant / Ready



Occupied / Dirty


Admin Inspection End






Vacant / Not Ready



Vacant / Clean











Vacant / Dirty






As shown in the chart above, the actual valid values and their associated meanings depend on the protocol assigned to the PMS integration.  If a PMS is not currently in use, then the values listed in the Default column will be used.  Any value listed as a dash (-) is not used for the given protocol and the associated Code to Dial will be invalid.


For example, in the case where a PMS is not in use, if the maid logs into the guest mailbox for the room and dials 616, 617, 618 or 619 from the subscriber menu, the system will reject the code and state that it is an invalid entry.  However, if a PMS is configured using the Hilton protocol, then 616, 617 and 618 will all be valid maid status codes (but 619 will still be invalid).


As you can see, the maid dials 61x, where x is the ID number associated with the given room status.  It is this ID value that the DV2000/DV4 passes on to the PMS.  For example, on a Hilton system, if the maid dials 613 from the subscriber menu of the guest mailbox for room 1101, then the DV2000/DV4 would send a maid status packet to the Hilton PMS with a room status code of 3, which Hilton would interpret as Vacant / Clean (this is also what InnDesk would display).


Via the Room Phone (PBX)

Some PBX systems provide codes that a maid can dial directly from a guest room phone to signal the room clean status.


If the DV2000/DV4 is connected via a hospitality link to such a PBX, then whenever a maid dials a room clean status code on the PBX, it will be passed to the DV2000/DV4 over the hospitality link.  The DV2000/DV4 will then pass the new value on to the PMS (if the PMS protocol supports it) and will also update the status in its own internal database so that it can be displayed in InnDesk.


Via the Room Phone (DV2000/DV4)

To mark a room as clean:

1.Login to the guest room mailbox.
2.Dial the appropriate code.  The default room clean code is 611.
3.Wait for the prompt: This option is complete.
4.Hang up.


To mark a room as dirty:

1.Login to the guest room mailbox.
2.Dial the appropriate code.  The default room dirty code is 612.
3.Wait for the prompt: This option is complete.
4.Hang up.


Note: The examples above show the codes to dial if the room clean status codes are using the Default definitions (as shown in the table above).  If you are using a PMS protocol listed in that table (such as Hilton or Micros Fidelio), the codes to dial for clean or dirty may differ from those shown here.


Via the Room Phone (DV2000/DV4, With Maid ID)

A few PMS protocols allow for including a maid ID number along with the room clean status.  The DV2000/DV4 supports this via a different set of maid codes that start with 63 rather than 61.


To mark a room as clean:

1.Login to the guest room mailbox.
2.Dial the appropriate code.  The default room clean code (if including a maid ID) is 631.
3.When prompted, dial your maid ID and press #.
4.Wait for the prompt: This option is complete.
5.Hang up.


To mark a room as dirty:

1.Login to the guest room mailbox.
2.Dial the appropriate code.  The default room dirty code (if including a maid ID) is 612.
3.When prompted, dial your maid ID and press #.
4.Wait for the prompt: This option is complete.
5.Hang up.


Note: The examples above show the codes to dial if the room clean status codes are using the Default definitions (as shown in the table above).  If you are using a PMS protocol listed in that table (such as Hilton or Micros Fidelio), the codes to dial for clean or dirty may differ from those shown here.


Via InnDesk

To change the maid status of a room using InnDesk:

1.Select Guest Services | Manage Room.
2.Use the drop-down list box to select the room to be modified.
3.Select the Owner Settings tab.
4.Find the Maid status row (at or near the bottom).  Use the drop-down list box to select the desired status.
5.Click Apply if you wish to continue reviewing or editing settings for this room or click Save if you are finished; either option will save any changes you have made.


Note: Depending on InnDesk configuration, the maid status setting may not be displayed.  If it is not, then you cannot use InnDesk to change the maid status for any room.


Automatic Status Change

The VMS may automatically change the maid status of a room to a specified value (typically, dirty) in either or both of the following cases:

During maintenance, at a set time every night (for occupied rooms only).
At check-out.


Both options are configurable via System Configuration (select Features | Hospitality from main menu, then select the General tab).  By default, both options are enabled.